purefiter human body were a house, etheric energy would be its electrical system. Multiple shorts or breaks in the circuitry can prompt thoughts of suicide. When a fuse blows (actual or emotional), chaos is released through outlets like amps and anger.

No one is designed to survive alone. Feeling isolated and detached from a primary family unit causes overwhelming fear for certain people. They are the artists, writers and empaths of society-the 'sensitive' ones. They are the first lost during tough times.


Even the subtle threat of being separated from a family system can kick survival tactics into gear. Panic starts to rise at all the s cary possibilities. The option of surrender starts to whisper to the unsettled mind. Later, it looms as the only possible way out.

Before the suicidal ideations begin, which is usually quite young, a DNA code arrives at birth. That is the 'nature' that meets 'nurture' and often courts disaster. The odds against some surviving, much less thriving, are minute.

The blessings are the 'Dandelion Children.' These are the survivors that thrive against all odds. They came here with an understood mission and begin early in life. Most continue an underlying vocation for life-like music, art, writing or preaching.

Others leave this world for '15 minutes of fame.' Online reports of the mourning and attention given suicide victims offers the fantasy lose a pound a day of finally getting some much-needed attention. 'Attention Deficit Disorder' is what many family relationships should be called. No one is being heard in some family units-the weakest will silence himself.


Others experience suicidal ideation as the end of a long, painful journey. Many have suffered the entire duration. No one ever dreamed of walking sad, alone and in pain through the course of life. Only a few understand that we all walk in pain, focus is the difference. Re-living disasters and losses keeps them alive, fresh and still wounding.

Every person that survived lump on collarbone jumping off a major bridge said the same thing, each regretted it the moment the hands left the rails. To date, not one challenged his own life again.


Suicidal ideation can be chemically caused and corrected. Emotional imbalances are more of a challenge because the root of the depression, OCD or PTSD must be found and eradicated for healing to begin.

Other countries are finding a form of guided meditation effective in dealing with PTSD or 'war fever.' The U.S. is finally offering desperate war veterans some relief with changing cannibas use laws hopefully lowering their daily suicide toll.


Everyday fear and worry can be so intense, they exhaust the sufferer. Potentially, peace or purgatory could be on the other side of suicide. When the pain is enough, the decision gradually takes shape and a plan is formed. At that point, doctors hospitalize for safety.

If a patient is self-aware enough, she can check herself in when suicidal ideation becomes pervasive gastritis diet thought. Anger and depression which began with hurt and frustration eventually festers until expressed-either inwardly or outwardly. Turned inward, it can trigger suicide. Homicide is on the other end of the spectrum; it is anger and rage turned outward.


The great unknown stops some suicide attempts. Religious beliefs come forth with different strength when the soul is on the line. To some, purgatory may sound better than 'hell on earth.' Deciding to stay may require a new set of skills to process pain, trauma and loss.
